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Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals



We welcome enquiries about baptism. You may wish to be baptised yourself or you might want to have your children baptised. If you live outside the Parish then we will want to make contact with the church where you live now, because your own local church is an important factor on your Christian journey ahead.

We invite everyone interested in baptism to come to a preparation evening to think through some of the promises and commitments you will be making in baptism; it’s great if godparents can come along too. After that we will work with you to find the right date for you, family and friends.


For more information contact the Parish Administrator, Hayley Moore, on 0116 239 3768. 


See also




We are delighted when a couple comes along wanting to be married in church. We will work with you to make it a special day. The law requires us to establish a qualifying connection for anyone wishing to be married in the parish church and this is largely about residence and/or family connections with the village or church. Once we have established that and you have booked your day, we invite every couple to a Marriage Morning. These are held on Saturdays and are a fantastic way to think through both the wedding service and the important foundations of your lifelong love together.


As well as the wonderful setting of our church building, we can offer couples other arrangements, including an Organist, the Choir and a fine send off from our church bells. The fees payable and the details you want for your marriage service are discussed at the Marriage Morning.


Contact the Parish Administrator, Hayley Moore, on 0116 239 3768.


See also



We take very seriously our commitment as your local church to be there for everyone in the Parish, especially in times of bereavement. We are committed not just to the delivery of an appropriate funeral service at the Church or the Crematorium, but to the ongoing support and care of the bereaved.


Funeral services are conducted by the Clergy and our Reader and they will be pleased to offer any help they can.


When someone dies, as well as our visits to the family to talk through the funeral arrangements, we will take time to listen carefully to all that the family wants to say. Ongoing support will be offered to you by the minister officiating at your loved ones funeral, through the church’s Bereavement Visitors. These are church members who understand bereavement, are good listeners, and have a compassion and sensitivity to those who mourn. There is no pressure to accept ongoing support, but we hope you will consider this.


In addition we hold an annual Service of Loving Remembrance which takes place on a Sunday afternoon in late October or early November at Ratby parish church. This special service focuses on Remembrance and Thanksgiving for those who have died, and is rooted in the comfort, hope and assurance found through Jesus Christ. An invitation will be sent to you, and we look forward to welcoming you to this special service. We also support Baby Loss Awareness Week with the Wave of Light on 15th October each year.


Contact the Parish Administrator, Hayley Moore, on 0116 239 3768.


See also

St Philip and St James, Groby

Groby Church

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If you have a safeguarding concern, then please contact our local Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Fiona Brooks, (See our contacts page) or the parish priest. If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here

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