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Who's Who

We encourage everyone to play their part in the life and ministry of the church, using their gifts and skills in a way which allows us to flourish and grow in our Christian faith and service. Here are the people who hold particular responsibilities:


Reverend Dr Ed Bampton, Rector of the Benefice of Groby and Ratby

Lay Reader

Keith Wignall

Safeguarding Lead


Contact Fiona for any safeguarding issues

Youth Worker

Justin Garrett (Ratby)

Youth, Children and Families Worker


Pastoral Assistant

Joan Hawkins (Ratby)

Retired Clergy

Rev Fred Brodie

Magazine Contributions

Please send any articles for inclusion in the Monthly magazine to this email address

Weekly Newsheet

Please send any information for the Weekly newsletter to Keith

Martin Robinson

Contact Martin for any website related matters


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Contact us through the website or the Parish Office, which is open Monday – Friday 9.00-11.00am


Parish Administrator   Hayley Moore          0116 239 3768

St Philip and St James, Groby

Groby Church

© 2021 by St Philip and St James Church, Groby UK. Proudly created with

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If you have a safeguarding concern, then please contact our local Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Fiona Brooks, (See our contacts page) or the parish priest. If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here

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